Barter Ideas For Disasters, Conflicts, & Economic Collapse

Emergency Investment Ideas:
Barter Ideas For Disasters, Conflicts, & Economic Declines


This page will provide an overview of various bartering ideas that could be used during times where currencies such as cash, & digital coins are not accessible or readily available. Such a scenario is quite plausible and would most likely occur due to some natural disaster or human conflict. As we have seen in the past and current events there are disasters every year that cut the flow of currency and cause economic chaos on top of loss of life and property from lost infrastructure and social order.

Most of these ideas are general and will apply to most environments but it is not an exhaustive list. Each idea will have varying value depending on where you live and the type of disaster, that is why this is not an ordered list.
Ideas are based on common themes that have been seen throughout history and modern emergency/disaster situations. From storms and earthquakes to wars and terrorist attacks, people will still need a means of exchange even when there is little to no cash available for use. In some cases currency may simply become worthless which has happened all too often during disasters.

Popular culture will paint people as crazy for thinking about these scenarios let alone preparing for them. Stocking up on potential barter items is not a waste or unreasonable. Many of these bartering ideas and items can be stored for a long time easily, are affordable, and are items you would buy for daily life irrespective of a disaster.  In fact many of us probably already have a lot of what is mentioned below. There is no harm in having an extra reserve to survive an emergency and make life that much more convenient in a time of need. Some of these items are not necessary for survival but convenience is always value. Especially when there is no power running. They also save time and energy which is important during an emergency. 


Preferably; portable, lasts long, nutritious, light weight, compact, & tastes good! 
• canned food 
• freeze dried food
• rations (most common lifeboat or army rations)
• salt preserved food like pickled fruits and vegetables, dried meats and fish, ex: beef jerky, salted fish.
• nuts and dried fruit ( a classic trail mix from hiking)
• "hard tack" aka "ships biscuit" aka "hard crackers that last forever"
• junk food, candy, chips, not the healthiest but last a long time with so many preservatives and are guilty pleasures for many.

not only for flavour but add nutrition and help with preservation of some foods, along with many other uses
• salt
• sugar
• pepper
• other spice and herbs chili powder, cinnamon, mint...
All these are age old commodities from ancient cities to pioneers to the present day. In fact the word "salary" is said to be derived from the Latin root "sal" meaning salt which was a form of payment in ancient Rome worth even more than gold. 


Ready stored water in bottle for portability, then barrels or jugs for capacity. These can easily be stored in a garage, basement, closet, or pantry. A minimum recommendation is about 1 gallon (4.5 liters) of water per person per day. This is enough for most emergency and disaster situations.
If access to reliable water halted for a longer time it is best to have...
portable water filters in the form of water filter straws along with water purification tablets
Large pots and containers for boiling and storing water, and buckets for transportation to make up for no running water.
Large water filtration devices
Bleach aka Chlorine Bleach can be used for water purification before boiling it is commonly suggested to have 6 drops per gallon.
Buckets are also good for transporting and collecting water.

Energy (light, heat,)

Flashlights, lamps, 
smaller flash lights and glow sticks/"chem lights" for low light tasks where brightness is not needed or desired.
Head lamps for hands free efficiency and convince
Candles & oil lamps are also an age old source of light.
Fuels in gas form ex: propane 

Batteries (lithium batteries last longer) for power storage. AA & AAA are of course the most common. for portable use.

Crank chargers

Solar chargers

Gas generators(great but can be loud and unwanted noise)


Sanitation and hygiene are among the less appreciated advances in civilization that have a huge impact and are noticed instantly when not available. Lots of suffering and death during disasters is avoided due to adequate hygiene.
Stay clean by stocking up on daily use items such as... 

Soap (liquid and bar soap)
detergent (clothing and dish)
cleaning cloths, brushes, pads
toilet paper
paper towels
extra dishes and utensils
toothpaste, tooth brushes, floss, toothpicks
Feminine hygiene products
Baby wipes
paper towels
regular towels and cloths
face masks
gas masks if the air is very polluted 
gloves (disposable gloves. rubber cleaning gloves and heavy duty work gloves)
sanitation wipes, and sanitation spray  
garbage bags


This will vary from person to person and where you live
However a first aid kit and over the counter medications are a good general start.
Along with relevant medications for you and your family.
In addition to common over the counter drugs for treating pain and infections.

Vice Items / Addictions

It goes without saying stick to legal vice items and addictions. People literally rely on such substances to function normally. Similar to candy and food they can really sweeten a barter deal.


These four have been very common throughout history and there have even been wars fought over them.


Similar to vice items it goes without saying stick to legal security tools.
These items should only be bartered to people you trust.
Security cameras (normal cameras, night vision, thermal vision)
Locks (combination locks, key locks)

Powerful flashlights 
pepper spray
Whistle for signaling


Some fun and diversion in times of disperse is always been highly valued to keep spirits up. 

Games (video games are good) board games and card games are better since they don't need power.
Movies (dvds blue rays)
Flash drives and hard drives to store entertainment and other data like pictures and documents
Books; novels, biographies, textbooks, help books, poetry books.
Blank books for drawing sketching and writing or just sheets of paper
Toys (an excellent morale booster and sought after by families)
Radios and other audio equipment like headphones for communication and entertainment 

Entertainment is without a doubt one of the most neglected part of planning for emergencies. There is often a lot of boredom and despair during disasters. Many forms of entertainment are plentiful and affordable whether they are new or used items.

Clothing, Fabrics, Materials, & Shelter

Especially warm clothing, blankets, and extra cloth.
The ability to repair cloths is very important when the availability of new ones is not certain. Thus a sewing kit is invaluable.
More clothing and fabric can also reduce the frequency of laundry that will have to be done in a situation where there is little or no power and clean water.
This also goes for shoes, boots, and socks which will be worn out much faster when more walking has to be done in the absence of motor transportation.
Tarps, tents, mats, and rugs will also be valuable for staying warm especially after a storm or earthquake that reduces many structures to unstable ruins.
Thread, String, and other cordage.

Like entertainment extra clothing, shelter, and ways to repair them are often overlooked. Yet they are also very affordable and function well whether they are used and old, or new.

Repairs & Maintenance

Similar to clothing the upkeep of buildings, structures, and electrical/motor devices will be important. Simple materials and tools can go a long way during tough times.
sheet metal
containers, bags, buckets, baskets, for carrying and storing things conveniently.
multitools are especially useful compared to power tools since they are more versatile, portable, and need no charging

Skills, Services, & Knowledge

Relating to the last section on repairs and tools is something immaterial. Instead of physical goods services and knowledge can be bartered in place of currency. Here are a few broad categories of useful skills that have always been in demand when currency is not in full use
The ability to repair and build things has already been covered.
Procuring, processing & preserving food; fishing, hunting, gardening, foraging, pickling, curing.
Child care
Medical knowledge
Knowledge of the local area for ease of travel without maps and GPS.
"social capital" also called "connections," knowing the right people is important for getting help for what you can't do. 
In some cases it's who you know that will save you rather than what you know or have.

Gold & Precious Metals

Precious metals namely gold and silver have always been a stable form of currency and bartering medium throughout history and across all cultures. In fact it is still used today in many countries where currencies are less stable. That is why precious metals are a great resource to keep in stock. They can be bought in many variations not just in large bar form or jewelry. Smaller coins, sheets, bars, and nuggets can be used for smaller trading.
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